The mission of Recovery Point Palatka, INC is to provide education, advocacy, and recovery support services to the individuals, family members, and allies of our community members struggling with substance use disorder. Recovery Point Palatka will provide multiple pathways of recovery to anybody who desires to initiate or maintain a life of recovery, regardless of their past and current circumstances.
Our vision is to enhance the quality of our community by providing hope, healing, and restoration to those struggling with substance use disorder.
Recovery Point Living Facility, INC:
RPLF is a sober living facility designed to house 6 men and 6 women. Call (386)385-3079 for more information.
Celebrate Recovery Every Monday Night:
Free Dinner- 5:45 pm Large Group- 7:00 pm Small Group- 8:30 pm
Recovery Groups:
Morning Meditation: Monday-Friday 9:15AM
Narcotics Anonymous: Tuesday & Saturday- 6pm Friday (Bon Fire meeting)- 7pm
Alcoholics Anonymous: Thursday & Sunday- 6pm
Peer support:
Engage in services with one of our peer specialists. Peers are individuals with Lived experience who have maintained recovery for atleast two years.
Regardless of your past and current circumstances, we want to do life with you!

Brief Overview
Recovery Point opened its doors in 2020. Recovery Point began as two sober living facilities, housing 6 men and 6 women. In 2022, Recovery Point became a Recovery Community Organization with the opportunity to expand the services provided to the community. In addition to providing a safe sober environment for individuals to recover in, Recovery Point also began providing an array of recovery support services to individuals and family members. Some of the services provided are peer support, recovery groups, resource linkage, telephone recovery support, family support, a clothing closet, Celebrate Recovery, and more!
Recovery point will be a hub for Recovery in Putnam county. We will also assist with getting people into detox and treatment as well as supporting the families struggling with their loved ones use.
In the past three years, Recovery Point began providing Recovery Support Services and spiritual care to individuals incarcerated in the Putnam County Jail (Insight Recovery Program). Recovery Point staff provides services inside the jail such as Celebrate Recovery Inside, Relapse Prevention, Seeking Safety, and All Recovery 5 days a week.
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